Kenosha Hair Salon

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Looking for a great, full-service Kenosha hair salon? Here at Charlie John’s, we are more than just a hair salon… we are a hair parlor! Our expert stylists and barbers are able to provide you with the cut and style of your dreams! We communicate openly with all our customers prior to and after their service to ensure they are satisfied with their cut. Our team of professionals has experience in a variety of different haircuts & hairstyles. Call us today to set up your appointment!

About Charlie John's in Kenosha

Our team at Charlie John’s in Kenosha is a group of skilled stylists and barbers. Our stylists specialize in both men’s and women’s haircuts. We can even provide your hair services for your wedding day! With each haircut we provide, we work to ensure the client’s satisfaction and make sure our clients get the cut they are seeking. If you are looking for a stylist or barber who specializes in a specific service you can learn more about each stylist here when you click on their name. Make sure to check out our specials and pricing here!

Ready to make an appointment? Contact us today!

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kenosha hair salon, hair stylist in kenosha, kenosha hair stylist

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